Exploring Fungus
Let you kid discover the meaning of rotten food and understand the stages every living thing goes through..
Sticky balloon
Butterfly anatomy..
Have you ever found a dead butterfly on you door step or out in the garden?? Don't throw it! this experiment will help your kid discover the Butterfly anatomy and it's wonderful natural colors and how these colors form a scary face on it's wings that keeps it's enemy away..
Simply stick the dead butterfly on a white paper and cover it with an old clear plastic cover keep space to draw its outlines and let your kid enjoy copying it's colors..
Sink or Float..
This experiment is one of the most popular ones you may thing it's too big for you kid to understand but believe me my 3 years old Mira got the idea!
You will need:
*A clear big bowl
*Ping pong ball
*plastic spoon
*Steal spoon
*A sponge
*A coin
*A coin
*A hair pin
1. Fill the bowl with water. Leave around 5cm (2 inches) empty.
2. Slowly lower one item into the water.
3. Remove the item from the water and test the next item.
4. Continue testing each item.
5. Now add a few of your own to see what happens.
Cornstarch Goo...
This project can be extremely messy. You may want to lay newspaper down on the floor or table before you start.
You will need:
Corn starch
Shallow tub or bowl
Pour a small box of corn starch into the tub. Mix in small amounts of water. Then get your hands into the mess to get the full effect of this weird texture. The cornstarch and water mixture will harden in your hands when you squeeze it, but when you open your hands, it melts like goo.

What is happening??
This experiment will show your kid simple chemical interaction and he/she will be so excited..
You will need :
*A small semi-flat bowl
* A dropper filled with any kind of vinegar (i prefer white vinegar so your kid wont be distracted by its color)
*Bicarbonate of soda powder
Spread some bicarbonate powder in the bowl and let your kid drop some vinegar over it in different places
2. Slowly lower one item into the water.
3. Remove the item from the water and test the next item.
4. Continue testing each item.
5. Now add a few of your own to see what happens.
Cornstarch Goo...
This project can be extremely messy. You may want to lay newspaper down on the floor or table before you start.
You will need:
Corn starch
Shallow tub or bowl
Pour a small box of corn starch into the tub. Mix in small amounts of water. Then get your hands into the mess to get the full effect of this weird texture. The cornstarch and water mixture will harden in your hands when you squeeze it, but when you open your hands, it melts like goo.

What is happening??
This experiment will show your kid simple chemical interaction and he/she will be so excited..
You will need :
*A small semi-flat bowl
* A dropper filled with any kind of vinegar (i prefer white vinegar so your kid wont be distracted by its color)
*Bicarbonate of soda powder
Spread some bicarbonate powder in the bowl and let your kid drop some vinegar over it in different places
and act as if you don't know what will happen ..